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COVID-19 Vaccine Super Station

Vaccine Super Station Coming to North County

Starting Sunday, January 31, North County’s Vaccination Super Station will open on the Cal State San Marcos campus, with the capabilities of vaccinating up to 5,000 individuals a day. (Appointments Only)
Please check the site on Saturday (around noon) for appointments to open. We know that appointments have been filling up quickly, but this Super Station will allow many more to become vaccinated. More information to follow, but keep an eye out at
Everyone should first try to coordinate with their healthcare provider, as they have their own allotment of vaccines.
Also, you can still register to get vaccinated at the Oceanside POD. The Oceanside location can administer 500 vaccines a day. You can register at:
TIP: Try and make an appointment around noon - new appointments become available mid-day for three days out.
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